4-Quadrant Voltage and Current Amplifiers


"E" in the model name stands for additional features:

  • Amplifiers can optionally be operated as a voltage or
    a current amplifier
  • Monitoring outputs for voltage and current
  • 3 symmetrial supply voltages (for optional selection)

Key characteristics

  • Broadband lab amplifier for ohmic and complex loads
  • Ideally suitable as downstream equipment for function generators
  • Addition of two inputs with 50 Ω and 100 kΩ input resistance (option)
  • Preamplifier output (bridge out) allows simple bridge circuit structures
  • Full remote control by USB port
  • 2 supply voltages 

"QE" amplifiers provide:

  • "Autocommutating" voltage supply
  • 3 bipolar supply voltages, individually switchable automatically or manually
  • Monitoring outputs for voltage and current
  • Highest sink outputs/ suitable for operation as active load 

4-Quadrant Voltage and Current Amplifiers

Model Frequency Slew rate

Power (source)





A 1110-05-E DC - 1 MHz 100 V/µs 500 W

75 V

11 A

A 1110-05-QE DC - 1 MHz 100 V/µs 500 W 75 V 11 A pdf
A 1110-16-E DC - 1 MHz 100 V/µs 1000 W 75 V 28 A pdf
A 1110-40-QE DC - 1 MHz 70 V/µs 1200 W 75 V 40 A pdf
A 1110-40-E-70-32 DC - 60 kHz 60 V/µs 1000 W  +70/-32V 40 A pdf

4-Quadrant Voltage Amplifiers

Model Frequency Slew rate

Power (source)

Voltage Current

Technický list


A 1230-01 DC - 7 MHz 450 V/µs 185 W 75 V 5 A pdf
A 1230-02 DC - 7 MHz 450 V/µs   (2x) 185 W (2x) 75 V (2x) 5 A  pdf