DC/DC High Voltage Modules and Crates

MMS System Overview

The standard based modular system consists of a 19"/6U crate and HV  modules. With a wide selection of modules the MMS system provides the most advanced features in low and high voltage generation. Together with the control and configuration server ICS2.5 the system runs on crate controller CC24 from iseg and delivers cutting-edge solutions for high precision voltage supplying applications.


ECH 54A / 55A / 56A
ECH 242 / 244 / 238 / 224

Touch display
Ethernet, WIFI, CAN

MMS Modules Overview

Series Display  Channels Vnom  Noise

Ch. Supply




EHR* new LED 4 2 / 4 / 6 kV LN / ULN Distinct Source CFG SHV
 EHS*  LED  4/8/16/32/48 0.1 - 20 kV   LN/VLN/ULN  Distinct Source   CG/CFG/FG R51/SHV 
EBS* LED  4/12/24 

 ± 0.5 - 3 kV

 LN Bipolar Distributor  CFG  R51/SHV/LEM 
 ESS* LED  10 / 20 / 30 kV  LN   Distinct Source/Sink FG  SHV/GES 
 MPV* LED  4/8  8/16/30/60/120 V  LN  Distinct Source  FG  D-SUB 

*) Model overview of each series is shown in the tables below.

EHR Series (new)

EHR Series, with switchable polarity

The new EHR series modules are multichannel high voltage power supplies in MMS system (Eurocard format) and provides 4 HV channels,  each single channel has an independent voltage and current control. The module is made of high-precision components such as 24 bit ADC and up to 20 bit DAC an provides comprehensive safety features.


By offering different configurations, this module perfectly covers various types of applications, such us detector suply, experimental setup or lab use. 


Key Features

  • 4 channels 
  • Electronically switchable polarity for each channel independently
  • 2 kV / 6kV versions
  • 6 kV cahnnel with elecronical switchable modes:
    up to 2 kV/4 mA, 4 kV/3 mA or 6 kV/2 mA
  • High precision / very low ripple and noise
  • Second current measurement range 20µA for high precision version
  • Voltage and current control per channel
  • Hardware voltage and current limits

Application Areas

  • Detector supply
  • Experimantal setup
  • Laboratory use

Device types / EHR Standard Series

Specifications EHR Standard EHR High Precision
 Polarity  electronically switchable   electronically switchable

Ripple and noise

 < 10 mV  < 2 - 3 mV

Temperature coefficient 

 50 ppm / K   30 ppm/K  |  opt. 10 ppm./K (TC)

Resolution voltage setting

 2 • 10-6 • Vnom   2 • 10-6 • Vnom 

Resolution current setting

 2 • 10-6 • Inom 

 2 • 10-6 • Inom 

Resolution voltage measurement

2 • 10-6 • Vnom 

1 • 10-6 • Vnom 

Resolution current measurement

- full range

2 • 10-6 • Inom 

1 • 10-6 • Inom 

Resolution current measurement

- 2nd range


 50 pA [ Iout < 20µA ]


Accuracy voltage measurement

± (0.01% • Vout +0.02% • Vnom)

 ± (0.01% • Vout +0.01% • Vnom

Accuracy current measurement

- full range

 ± (0.01% • Iout +0.02% • Inom  ± (0.01% • Iout +0.01% • Inom)

Accuracy current measurement

- 2nd range

 n/a  ± (0.01% • Iout + 4 nA)
Rate of voltage change  1 • 10-6 • Vnom / s up to 0.2 • Vnom/ s  1 • 10-6 • Vnom / s up to 0.2 • Vnom/ s
Protection  INHIBIT (option), Safety loop, short circuit,
overload, hardware V/I limits
  INHIBIT (option), Safety loop, short circuit,
overload, hardware V/I limits
HV connector  SHV  SHV
Case  6U cassette, width 8 HP  6U cassette, width 8 HP 

Models EHR Series

Model Channels Precision





HV Modes ( Vmode / Imode ) 
EHR 40 20  4 Standard 2 kV 6 mA 2 kV / 6 mA
EHR 40 60 4 Standard 6 kV 4 mA 6 kV / 2 mA | 4 kV / 3 mA | 2 kV / 4 mA



EHR 42 20 4 High 2 kV 6 mA 2 kV / 6 mA
EHR 4260 4 High 6 kV 4 mA 6 kV / 2 mA | 4 kV / 3 mA | 2 kV / 4 mA


Lower temp. coefficient (high precision version only):  TC

Lower current (100 µA, high precision version only):    L

Active safety loop interruption:   SLA

Internally powered safety loop:   SLP

Inhibit per channel:   INH

EHS Series

EHS Standard

(Please scroll down for EHS High Precision versions)


EHS modules are multichannel high voltage power supplies in MMS system (Eurocard format). With up to 32 channels each single channel has an independent voltage and current control. The module is made of high-precision components such as 24 bit ADC and up to 20 bit DAC an provides comprehensive safety features.


 By offering different configurations, this module perfectly covers various types of applications. The EHS standard module is available in two floating versions, Common Floating Groud (CFG) and Floating Ground (FG). 


Key Features

  • 4 / 8 / 16 / 32 channel, 
    100 V - 20 kV versions
  • Low ripple and noise,
    very low noise option VLN
  • Hardwared voltage and current limits
  • Voltage and current control per channel
  • Programmable parameters (delayed trip etc.)

Application Areas

  • Detector supply
  • Experimantal setup
  • Laboratory use


Device types / EHS Standard Series

Specifications EHS CFG (Common Floating Ground) EHS FG (Floating Ground)
 Polarity  factory fixed, positive or negative   factory fixed, positive or negative

Potential diffence

 56 V channel/GND  20 V channel/channel/GND, opt. up to 2 kV

Ripple and noise (f > 10 Hz)

  < 10 mVp-p  < 10 mVp-p

Temperature coefficient 

50 ppm / K   50 ppm / K

Resolution voltage setting

 2 • 10-6 • Vnom   4 • 10-5 • Vnom

Resolution current setting

 2 • 10-6 • Inom 

 4 • 10-5 • Inom

Accuracy voltage measurement

± (0.01% • Vout +0.02% • Vnom)

 ± (0.01% • Vout +0.02% • Vnom
Accuracy current measurement  ± (0.02% • Iout +0.02% • Inom  ± (0.02% • Iout +0.02% • Inom)
Voltage ramp up / down  up to 0.2 • Vout /s |opt. up to 0.75 • Vnom/s  up to 0.2 • Vout /s |opt. up to 0.75 • Vnom/s
Protection  Safety loop, opt. INHIBIT per channel (ID / IU)  Safety loop, opt. INHIBIT per channel (ID / IU)
HV connector  R51 | SHV  R51 | SHV
Case  6U cassette, width 8 HP  6U cassette, width 8 HP
Datasheet Download pdf 

Models EHS Series (Common Ground)

Model Channels





& Noise
EHS F101x-VLN 16  100 V 10 mA 3 mV
EHS 20101x-VLN 32 100 V 10 mA 3 mV
EHS F1 05x 16 500 V 8 mA 10 mV
EHS 201 05x 32 500 V 8 mA 10 mV
EHS F1 10x 16 1 kV 4 mA 15 mV
EHS 201 10x 32 1 kV 4 mA 15 mV
EHS F1 20x 16 2 kV 2 mA 20 mV
EHS 201 20x 32 2 kV 2 mA 20 mV
EHS F1 30x 16 3 kV 1.3 mA 20 mV
EHS 201 30x 32 3 kV 1.3 mA 20 mV
EHS F1 40x 16 4 kV 1 mA 20 mV
EHS 201 40x 32 4 kV 1 mA 20 mV

*) Order specifications:
Polarity:  positive: x = p, negative: x = n
Floating:  common floatign ground (CFG): y = 0, floating ground: y = 6

Very low noise (EHS standard):  VLN

Models EHS Series ( Common Floating Ground)

Model Channels


& Noise
EHS 8y 01x  8 100 V 10 mA 3 mV
EHS Fy 01x 16 100 V 10 mÄ 3 mV
EHS 8y 05x 8 500 V 15 mA 10 mV
EHS Fy 05x 16 500 V 15 mA 10 mV
EHS 8y 10x 8 1 kV 8 mA 10 mV
EHS Fy 10x 16 1 kV 8 mA 10 mV
EHS 8y 20x 8 2 kV 4 mA 10 mV
EHS Fy 20x 16 2 kV 4 mA 10 mV
EHS 8y 30x 8 3 kV 3 mA 10 mV
EHS Fy 30x 16 3 kV 3 mA 10 mV
EHS 8y 40x 8 4 kV 2 mA 10 mV
EHS Fy 40x 16 4 kV 2 mA 10 mV
EHS 8y 60x 8 6 kV 1 mA 10 mV
EHS Fy 60x 16 6 kV 1 mA 10 mV
EHS 4y 80x 4 8 kV 1 mA 10 mV
EHS 4y 100x 4 10 kV 0.7 mA 10 mV
EHS 4y 150x 4 15 kV 0.5 mA 10 mV
EHS 4y 200x 4 20 kV 0.4 mA 10 mV

EHS High Precision


EHS High Precision modules are multichannel high voltage power supplies in MMS system (Eurocard format) with best stability, temperature coefficients and very low ripple and noise characteristics. With up to 16 channels each single channel has an independent voltage and current control. Compared to a standard module the High Precision EHS is equipped with a second current measurement range to precisely meter low currents. Switching of measurements ranges is done automatically. 


 By offering different configurations, this module perfectly covers various types of applications. The EHS High Precision module is available in two floating versions, Common Floating Groud (CFG) and Floating Ground (FG). 


Key Features

  • 4 / 8 / 16 channel, 
    100 V - 20 kV versions
  • Extreme high stability, low temperature coefficient
  • Very low ripple and noise
  • Second current measurement range 20µA for high resolution
  • Hardwared voltage and current limits
  • Voltage and current control per channel
  • Programmable parameters (delayed trip etc.)

Application Areas

  • Detector supply
  • experimantal setup
  • Laboratory use


Device types / EHS High Precision Series

Specifications EHS HP CFG (Common Floating Ground) EHS HP FG (Floating Ground)
 Polarity  factory fixed, positive or negative 

Potential diffence

 56 V channel/GND  20 V channel/channel/GND, opt. up to 2 kV

Ripple and noise (f > 10 Hz)

  < 3 - 10 mV

Temperature coefficient 

30 ppm/K | 10 ppm/K (option TC) 

Resolution voltage setting

 2 • 10-6 • Vnom 

Resolution current setting (Iout>20µA)

 2 • 10-6 • Inom 

Accuracy voltage measurement 

± (0.01% • Vout +0.01% • Vnom

Accuracy current measurement (Iout>20µA)  ± (0.01% • Iout +0.02% • Inom
Accuracy current measurement (Iout<20µA)  ± (0.01% • Iout +4 nA) 
HV connector  R51 | SHV
Case  6U cassette, width 8 HP
Datasheet Download pdf 


Model Channels


Output C.
Option L
& Noise
EHS 8y 01x 8 100 V 10 mA 100 µA 3 mV
EHS Fy 01x 16 100 V 10 mA 100 µA 3 mV
EHS 8y 05x 8 500 V 10 mA 100 µA 3 mV / CFG: 5mV
EHS Fy 05x 16 500 V 10 mA 100 µA 3 mV / CFG: 5mV
EHS 8y 10x 8 1 kV 8 mA 100 µA 3 mV / CFG: 5mV
EHS Fy 10x 16 1 kV 8 mA 100 µA 3 mV / CFG: 5mV
EHS 8y 20x 8 2 kV 4 mA 100 µA 5 mV
EHS Fy 20x 16 2 kV 4 mA 100 µA 5 mV
EHS 8y 30x 8 3 kV 3 mA 100 µA 5 mV
EHS Fy 30x 16 3 kV 3 mA 100 µA 5 mV
EHS 8y 40x 8 4 kV 2 mA 100 µA 5 mV
EHS Fy 40x 16 4 kV 2 mA 100 µA 5 mV
EHS 8y 60x 8 6 kV 1 mA 100 µA 5 mV
EHS Fy 60x 16 6 kV 1 mA 100 µA 5 mV
EHS 4y 80x 4 8 kV 1 mA 100 µA 5 mV
EHS 4y 100x 4 10 kV 0.7 mA 100 µA 5 mV
EHS 4y 150x 4 15 kV 0.5 mA 100 µA 5 mV
EHS 4y 200x 4 20 kV 0.4 mA 100 µA 10 mV


Polarity:  positive: x = p, negative: x = n
Floating:  common floatign ground (CFG): y = 2

Floating ground: y = 4

Very low noise (EHS standard):  VLN

Lower temperature coefficient:   TC

Single channel inhibit - down:   ID

Single channel inhibit - up:   IU

Voltage correction by temperature:   VCT

Lower output current:  L (lower nom. output current)

EDS Series

EDS Distributor HV Modules with CFG

(CFG = Common Floating Ground)


The cost effective EDS distribution modules are multichannel high voltage power supplies in MMS system (Eurocard format). It is available as Low Cost version with reduced resolution and precision of current measurements. The EDS comes with common floating ground to reduce voltage noise level. With up to 48 channels each single channel has an independent voltage control. The module is made of high precision components such as 24 bit ADC and 20 bit DAC and provides comprehensive safety features. 

Key Features

  • 16 / 24 / 32 / 48 channel, 500 V - 3 kV versions
  • Low cost versions for best price per channel thru
    a reduced current measurement accuracy
  • Very low ripple and noise
  • Second current measurement range 20µA for high resolution
  • Hardwared voltage and current limit
  • Voltage control and current measurement per channel
  • Programmable parameters (delayed trip etc.)

Application Areas

  • Multiple channel HV distribution for solid state detectors
  • Experimantal physics
  • Laboratory use

Device types / EDS Standard Series

Specifications EDS Standard EDS Low Cost
 Polarity  factory fixed, positive or negative   factory fixed, positive or negative

Ripple and noise (f > 10 Hz)

 < 5 mV  < 10 mV

Temperature coefficient 

< 20 ppm / K  < 20 ppm / K

Resolution voltage setting

 2 • 10-6 • Vnom   2 • 10-6 • Vnom  

Resolution voltage measurement

 2 • 10-6 • Vnom 

2 • 10-6 • Vnom  

Resolution current measurement

 1 • 10-4 • Inom 

5 • 10-4 • Inom 

Accuracy voltage measurement

± (0.01% • Vout +0.02% • Vnom)

 ± (0.01% • Vout +0.02% • Vnom
Accuracy current measurement  ± (0.1% • Iout +0.1% • Inom  ± (1% • Iout +1% • Inom
Voltage ramp up / down  up to 0.2 • Vout /s |opt. up to 0.75 • Vnom/s  up to 0.2 • Vout /s |opt. up to 0.75 • Vnom/s
Protection  Safety loop  Safety loop
HV connector  R51 | SHV  | I52  R51 | SHV  | I52
Case  6U cassette, width 8 HP  6U cassette, width 8 HP
Datasheet Download pdf 

Models EDS Series

Model Channels





EDS F1 10x 16  1 kV 1 mA
EDS 1810x 24 1 kV 1 mA
EDS 3010x
48 1 kV 1 mA
EDS F1 30x 16 3 kV 500 µA
EDS 18y 30x 24 3 kV 500 µA
EDS 30y 30x 48 3 kV 500 µA

Order specifications:

Polarity:  positive: x = p, negative: x = n

Low cost:  standard : y = 1, low cost: y = 3


EBS Series

EBS Bipolar 4 Quadrant HV Modules with CFG

(CFG = Common Floating Ground)


The bipolar EBS distribution modules are multichannel high voltage power supplies in MMS system (Eurocard format) with full 4-quadrant capabilities. The EBS can be used as bipolar current sink and source, which perfectly covers requirements of electronic optical systems or capacitive loads. The EBS is built in common floating ground principle to reduce voltage noise level. With up to 24 channels each sigle channel has an independent voltage control up to 3 kV channel-voltage-difference. The EBS configuration of output voltage and current can be customizend on request. The module is made of high precision components such as 24 bit ADC and 20 bit DAC and provides comprehensive security features.

Key Features

  • 4 / 12 / 24  channel, 500 V - 3 kV versions and custom versions
  • 4-quadrant, usable as bipolar current sink and source
  • Very low ripple and noise
  • Hardwared voltage and current limit
  • Voltage control and current measurement per channel
  • Programmable parameters (delayed trip etc.)

Application Areas

  • Perfect for electron optical systems and capacitive loads
  • Experimantal physics
  • Laboratory use

Device types / EBS Series

Specifications EBS Standard
 Polarity bipolar 4 quadrant

Ripple and noise 

 < 20 mV

Temperature coefficient voltage measurement

< 20 ppm / K 

Temperature coefficient current measurement

< 100 ppm / K 

Resolution voltage setting

 2 • 10-6 • Vnom 

Resolution voltage measurement

 2 • 10-6 • Vnom 

Resolution current measurement

 1 • 10-4 • Inom 

Accuracy voltage measurement

± (0.01% • Vout +0.02% • Vnom)

Accuracy current measurement  ± (0.2% • Iout +0.2% • Inom
Voltage ramp up / down  1  • 10-6 • Vnom  up to 1 • Vnom/s
Protection  Safety loop
HV connector  R51 | SHV
Case  6U (8HP) cassette
Datasheet Download pdf 

Models EBS Series

Model Channels





Max VDiff 



EBS C0 05 12

 ± 500 V

 ± 1 mA

1 kV 6U
EBS 180 05 24 ± 500 V ± 1 mA 1 kV 6U
EBS C0 12
12 ± 1.2 kV ± 1 mA 1.2 kV 6U
EBS 180 12 24 ± 1.2 kV ± 1 mA 1.2 kV 6U
EBS C0 30 12 ± 3 kV ± 0.5 mA 3 kV 6U
EBS 1803 0 24 ± 3 kV ± 0.5 mA 3 kV 6U

Active safety loop:    SLA
Internally powered safety loop:  SLP

ESS Series

ESS Single Channel 2 Quadrant HV Module with FG
(FG = Floating Ground)


The ESS module is a single channel high voltage power supply in MMS system (Eurocard format) with 2-quadrant capabilities.
It can be used as unipolar current sink and source, which perfectly covers requirements of electron optical sytems or capacitive loads.

The ESS series is built in floating ground principle to reduce voltage noise level. The configuration of output voltage and current can be customized on request. The module is made of high precision components such as 24 bit ADC and 16 bit DAC and provides comprehensive safety features.

Key Features

  • 1 channel, 10 / 20 / 30 kV and customized versions
  • 2-quadrant capabilities, usable as unipolar current sink and source
  • Low ripple and noise
  • Floating ground principle
  • Programmable parameters (delayed trip etc.)

Application Areas

  • Perfect for electron optical systems and capacitive loads
  • Experimantal physics
  • Laboratory use

Device types / ESS Series

Specifications  ESS Standard
 Polarity  factory fixed positive or negative

Ripple and noise 

 < 0.6 -  2.5 Vp-p

Temperature coefficient

< 100 ppm / K 

Resolution voltage setting

 2 • 10-5 • Vnom 

Resolution current setting

 2 • 10-5 • Inom 

Resolution voltage measurement

 < 1 • 10-5 • Vnom 

Resolution current measurement

 < 1 • 10-5 • Inom 

Accuracy voltage measurement

± (0.2% • Vout +0.1% • Vnom)

Accuracy current measurement  ± (0.2% • Iout +0.1% • Inom
Voltage ramp up / down  up to 0.1 • Vnom /s | opt. up to 1 • Vnom/s
Protection  Safety loop
HV connector  SHV | GES 
 Case  6U cassette, width 8 HP
Datasheet Download pdf 

Models ESS Series







Ripple and


ESS 10 100x


10 kV

 ± 4 mA

< 2.5 Vp-p
ESS 10 200x 1 20 kV ± 2 mA < 0.6 Vp-p
ESS 10 300x
1 30 kV ± 1 mA < 1 Vp-p

Polarity:    positive: x = p, negative: x = n
GES connector:  GES